Laografic Company of musical and dancing studies


The background of folk music and dance studies of the Nikolaos Plastiras society

«Nikolaos Plastiras» is a non profitable society which was founded in Autumn of 1983. It is called «Nikolaos Plastiras» in honour of our compatriot rebel and ex - Prime Minister of Greece Nikolaos Plastiras.

The society goal is the maintenance and the promotion of the country’s cultural heritage. It has released three tapes with folk songs with the cooperation of local musicians, of traditional songs.

It has organised various events such as events in favour of children who suffer from anaemia, the folklore and tourism festival with the cooperation of the National Organisation of Tourism (EOT), the book exhibition, the concerts with popular Greek singers such as Katsimiha brothers, George Dalaras, Christos Nikolopoulos, which took place in the National Stadium of Karditsa and many other events.

«Nikolaos Plastiras» association allots a Folk Dance School.
The ballroom is called Menelaos Karvounis in honour of the society’s founder. The society’s head office is situated in a modern, comfortable building on the corner of Thessaliotidos str. and Samaropoulou str. in the town of
More than 250 folk dancers of all ages are taught folk dances in the «Menelaos Karvounis» ballroom.
folk Dance School grooms the folk dancers who perform both in Greece and abroad.

The societys Goals

a) The Folklore Studies of the country of Karditsa (i.e. songs, dances, music and works of popular art in general).

b) The study, the promotion and the care of the Greek Folklore maintenance.

c) The teaching of Greek dances and folk music to boys and girls, the finding of new talented dancers, the creation and continuation of tradition. The above mentioned goals are succeeded by specialized staff.
d) The collection of traditional material i.e. works of art, costumes e.t.c. in order to create a
Folklore Museum.

e) The gathering of folk songs, folktales and toys.

f) Photographing and filming of traditional weddings, christenings of a child, festivals e.t.c.

g) The organisation of folk dance and music events both in
Greece and abroad.

h) The organisation of seminars, lectures both in
Greece and abroad.

In accordance with the Articles of «Nikolaos Plastiras» association, its participation in any political events is forbidden.

The society’s activities

Τhe folk dance groups of «Nikolaos Plastiras» society have participated in international folk dance festivals, in many foreign places:

• Ski World Cup Women, Piancavallo 1985
• 17ο Rassegna di foclore, Aviano Plancavallo 1985
• 26ο Festa del Foclore, Comune di Villa Santina , August 1985
• 50ο il Fogolar Furlan di Latine Agro Pontino 1985
• «STRASSENFEST» 28/6/1987
• 18ο Kurulus Senlikleri Belediye Baskani 1987
• 5ο Muestra Internacional de Folklore Teruel 30-31/8-1/9 /1988
• 375 Aniversario Villa de Andorra 1988
• 15ο Festival Internazionale del Folklore, Comune di Loreto August 1992
• Nemzetkozi Majorette Fesztival 18-20/8/1995
• 17ο Festival Internazionale del Folklore, Bergamo Αύγουστος 1999
• Festival International de Tabarka, Tabarka Tunis 2003
• 19ο Uluslararasi Halk Danslari Festival, Tufag Yalova 2005
• Internationale Folklore Festival Cetinje, Montenegro 2008
• Festa del Gromo 2009
• Festival International Ciutat de Calella, 12-29 Ιουνίου 2010
• Ismailia Festival, Σεπτέμβριος 2010
• Venezia 2011
• World Guinness Record for Largest Rueda De Casino Thessaloniki

Many distinctions and honours of folk dances and traditional costumes have been given to our folk dancers.

Our folk dance groups perform in the International Fair of Thessaloniki, in sports events ceremonies in municipal or communal or public welfare institutions events. Our folk dance groups participate in every significant event that is held in the province of Karditsa.

Local events

• Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Πολιτισμού «ΚΑΡΑΪΣΚΑΚΕΙΑ»>
Καρδίτσα από το1984 έως το 1992,το 1995 και από το 1999 ανελλιπώς έως το 2017.
• Διεθνής Συνάντηση Παιδιών «Καραγκούνα» Μάιος 1992,
Μάιος 1993, Μάιος 1994, Μάιος 1995, Μάιος 1999, Μάιος 2000
• Διεθνές Παιδικό Φεστιβάλ «Μαίρη Ιωαννίδου»
Ιούλιος 1997, 1998, 2001 Αύγουστος 2002, Αύγουστος 2003, Σεπτέμβριος 2004, Αύγουστος 2005, Αύγουστος 2007,
Αύγουστος 2008, Αύγουστος 2009, Αύγουστος 2010
• «ΜΕΝΕΛΑΪΔΙΑ» Απρίλιος 1997, Απρίλιος 1999, Απρίλιος 2000,
Απρίλιος 2014
• Δήμος Βέροιας 1985
• Διεθνής Κλαδική Έκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης HELEXPO 3/6/1987
• Φεστιβάλ Λαογραφικών Εκδηλώσεων και Τουρισμού,
Καρδίτσα 25-27/9/1987
• Παιδικό Φεστιβάλ Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου Μάιος 1998
• 2ο Πανελλήνιο Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακών Χορών Ζαχάρω 1999
• «ΠΥΛΑΙΩΤΙΚΑ» 17-20/7/2001
• «ΜΥΡΙΝΕΙΑ» 23-25/7/2003
• ¶λιμος Ιούνιος 2004
• 16ο Διεθνές Φολκλορικό Φεστιβάλ CIOFF – Πυρσού,
Νάουσα Ιούλιος 2004
• 6η Συνάντηση Παραδοσιακών Χορευτικών, Ζαγορά Πηλίου 31/7/2004
• Εκδήλωση προς τιμήν της Υψώσεως του Τιμίου Σταυρού «ΒΕΡΟΙΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ» Βέροια 2005
• Πολιτιστικό Διήμερο Συλλόγου Λαγκαδά, Μάρτιος 2005
• Πανελλήνιο Μαθητικό Πρωτάθλημα Ελευθέρας Πάλης,
Απρίλιος 2005
• Νέα Ιωνία Μαγνησίας 18/9/2005
• Δήμος Συκεών 2006
• Γιορτές Παλιάς Πόλης Ξάνθη 2006
• «ΜΟΥΖΑΚΙΑ 2007» Μουζάκι Καρδίτσας 22/8/2007
• «ΧΡΥΣΟΒΑΛΑΝΤΕΙΑ 2008» 27/8/2008
• 3η Συνάντηση Συγκροτημάτων Παραδοσιακών Χορών,
Λίμνη Ευβοίας 3/5/2009
• 28ο Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακών Χορών και Μουσικής,
Φοιτητικές Εστίες Θεσσαλονίκης Μάρτιος 2010
• Μουσικοχορευτική Συνάντηση Πρέβεζα 12/7/2010
• «ΦΥΛΛΙΑ 2009», «ΦΥΛΛΙΑ 2011», Φύλλο Καρδίτσας
• Χορός του Κυνηγετικού Συλλόγου Καρδίτσας 14/3/2011
• Κρυονέρι Γιορτή Προφήτη Ηλία 19/7/2011
• 4ο Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακών Χορών Ρόδος 13/7/2012
• «ΤΙΤΑΝΕΙΑ» Παλαμάς Καρδίτσας 8/9/2012
• 11η Πανελλήνια Χορευτική Συνάντηση Σερρών 2012
• 6η Χορευτική Συνάντηση Αστακού, Αστακός 2/8/2014
• Σμόκοβο 9/8/2014
• 2ο Αντάμωμα Αγραφιωτών, Νεοχώρι 9 Αυγούστου 2015
• 5ο Βαλκανικό Φεστιβάλ, Δήμος Ρεντίνας 2016
• Θεσσαλονίκη Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος «ΝΕΟΙ ΕΠΙΒΑΤΕΣ»
• Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Ν. Καρυάς «ΠΙΝΕΛΙΕΣ ΖΩΗΣ»

Various events of great interest take place in Karditsa ever year. These are: the Amateur Companies of Actors Festival in March; the International Folklore Festival of «MENELAIDIA» in April; The International Children’s Meeting, a Folk Festival in May organised by the club «Karagouna»; The Pan-Hellenic Contest of Children’s Singing by the Municipality of Karditsa; «The town by the children» held by the Children’s Libraries of the Municipality of Karditsa; The «Karaiskakia» an International Folklore Festival in honour of G. Karaiskakis late in June; The Wine Feast of Messinikolas, in August; The Cultural Events «Titania» in the Municipality of Palamas and «Mouzakia» in the Municipality of Mouzaki as well as the Cultural Festival in the Municipality of Sofades late in August.

The international choir Festival in September; The local Religious Celebrations in the villages of Agrafa as well as in the villages of the plain.
Finally, the Trade Fair of Karditsa on 20th - 27th Octomber.


The province o Karditsa

The province of Karditsa, which has the town of Karditsa as its capital covers the southwestern part of Thessalia. It borders the province of Trikala northwards, the province of Arta westwards, the provinces of Eurytania and Fthiotida in the south and the counties of Larissa and Fthiotida in the east. It reaches 2,63sq km and has a population of 130,000 people. It is divided into 21 Municipalities. The biggest of them are: PALAMAS, SOFADES MITROPOLIS, MOUZAKI, PLASTIRAS etc it appears paculiar picturesque and scenic landscape, especiallly in the mountainous part, which attracts a remarkable number of tourists every year. Plastira’s lake, which covers an area of about 6,500 acres stretches among the fir, oak and chestnut trees at 750 m altitude and offers unique natural beauty.
KARDITSA: It is the capital and represents the administrative, commercial and cultural centre of the county. it has a population of about 40,000 people and it can be reached from Athens and Thessaloniki either by bus (daily services) or by train (central station at palaiofarsala).
Karditsa is a relatively new town. Its first district, Varoussi, was created in 1858 after the residents’ request. The libaration of Karditsa took place on 14th August 1881.
Sights: St. Konstantinos Cathedral, 19th century, with its beautiful woodcut temple. A Christian and two Folklore museums, in one of which the heart of Nikolaos Plastiras along with several of his personal belongings are kept.
INFO: local bus station +30 24410 21001 - 21411 Town hall: +30 24410 71514 - 71521 Hospital: +30 24410 65555

Nikolaos Plastiras

Nikolaos Plastiras is one of the most known personalities that played an important role to the history of the 20th century. As a General he was distinguished in all battle fields for his bravery, courage and discern. During the Balkan Wars (1912 - 13) he became known as the «Black Rider». His leading character and his abilities were more determinative in the Minor Asia front and thanks to him thousands of refugees and soldiers were saved.
He governed Greece from September 1922 till the 2nd January in 1924 as the Leader of the Revolution of 1922. At the end of his governing the National Assembly gave him the title «Worthy of the Country». Some time later he was elected as a Prime Minister three times and even if the years of his governing were extremely hard (i.e. a few months in 1945 and in 1950-52), his offer to the country was great. He died extremely poor in 1953.
Nowadays Plastiras is the real symbol of honesty, devotion to the country and unselfish offer. Both the State and the Society have honoured his memory in many different ways.

Ο ιδρυτής του Συλλόγου Μενέλαος Καρβούνης

Γεννήθηκε στην Καρδίτσα στις 14/10/1954 και απεβίωσε σε τροχαίο δυστύχημα στις 19/8/1998, σε ηλικία 44 ετών.

Υπήρξε ο εμπνευστής και ο βασικός ιδρυτής του συλλόγου.

Στα 15 χρόνια παρουσίας του στο σύλλογο, πρόσφερε τα πάντα και από όλες τις θέσεις: περισσότερο σαν χοροδιδάσκαλος και χορευτής, αλλά και από τη θέση του Προέδρου του συλλόγου, τα διαστήματα: 15/12/90 έως 11/9/1991 και από 30/3/1995 έως την ημέρα του θανάτου του.

Λάτρευε την παράδοση και επέμενε στην αυθεντική απόδοση του ύφους, των κινήσεων και το συγχρονισμό μέχρι και την τελευταία λεπτομέρεια των χορών της πατρίδας μας.

«Αυθεντικός» ο ίδιος, «παραδοσιακός», παρέμεινε απλός μέχρι την τελευταία του στιγμή. Αγαπήθηκε απ’ όλο τον κόσμο για τον χαρακτήρα του και την προσφορά του στα Πολιτιστικά δρώμενα του τόπου μας. Παραμένει πάντα «ζωντανός» στην καρδιά και στη μνήμη όλων μας και αυτό φάνηκε, περίτρανα, στην ειδική τιμητική εκδήλωση, που διοργάνωσε ο σύλλογός μας, σε συνεργασία με τον Δήμο Καρδίτσας, όπου οι παραπάνω όπως και η Ένωση Πολιτιστικών Συλλόγων Νομού Καρδίτσας απένειμαν τιμητικές πλακέτες παρουσία αμέτρητων φίλων και γνωστών.

Τhe executive council





TEL & FAX: 0030 - 24410 - 21003


Κarvounis Ioannis (Chairman) tel +30 6977327345 email :
Κarvounis Konstantinos (Vice President)
Kouvela Evagelia (Secretary)
Siatiras George (Cashier)
Theogianni Helen (Uniforms)
Goulas George (Uniforms)
Tzellas Eyagelos (Public & International relationships)


Dancing instructors:

  • Karvounis Ioannis
  • Siatira Vanna